We worked with the Logan County Community Foundation to create a sophisticated and easy to use website that will allow them to promote the good work that they do in the community.
LCCF had a limited webpage on a parent foundation website. The foundation sought a way to facilitate information flow among organizations in the county and a simple interface for the public to see the benefits of the foundation's work.
We started with a Design Sprint, meeting with a 3-person team from the LCCF board, looking at other community foundation websites and completing a series of exercises to make sure the ReachTech design team understood the goals and aesthetic preferences of the board.

Once design standards were finalized, Linea prepared multiple designs for the home page and various subpages. We worked to build a sophisticated site that showcased all the grants the foundation had given in the past 5 years and all the projects that it has supported. Descriptions and and links to partner websites were added, along with a page that highlighted all other non-profit and government service agencies in the county.
A modern and easy to use site, with the main purpose of helping the citizens of Logan County. It is now fast and easy to find out which projects, what attractions and which events both LCCF and also other county organizations are hosting: All gathered in one place.
The site also makes it easy for individuals and organizations to seek help or to help, whether it is to apply for funding, to donate, to look for volunteers or to become a volunteer.
With this website, LCCF is now able to showcase the projects and events they help come to life, as well as making it more accessible and more well known to the community that they are here as an option to help.